Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Intensifier Or Didymium Filter For Photography

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Hoya makes an interesting filter called the Intensifier, also known as a didymium filter.
I just received it from Amazon.com, my favorite shopping mall.
Amazon forgot to include a description to this filter so I looked it up elsewhere.
The Wiki description for this filter states in part:
Didymium photographic filters are often used to enhance fall scenery by making leaves appear more vibrant. This is accomplished via the special properties of the substance which causes the removal of part of the orange region of the color spectrum. When present, this group of colors tends to make certain elements of a picture appear "muddy".

I found this description to be very accurate.
A lot of the photo forums, stores, etc state it "enhances red brown and orange colors"
This is an inaccurate load of crap! It's an example of one idiot quoting another.
Although I hate quickies, I did take a few to show on this blog.

Click on image for a full view
This Mexican Elder was photographed with the didymium filter. Practice saying that and you will really impress the folks at the next photo club meeting. Didymium 
OK, back to photography

Click the image
As you can see, without the use of the Intensifier the greens, brown and blues are more muddy and not nearly as pleasing. Sure the filter alters reality but so do my meds.

Another example WITH the filter:

click on image
These roses are close enough to red for gummint work.

Now WITHOUT the Didymium filter:

click on image
Oh yah for sure, for sure, this filter is going to replace my UV filter on my Nikkor 18-200mm because I'm going to use it all the time! I love the effect. Yeah, yeah, it alters reality. So what? I strive to make pleasing pictures, not reality. My aim is to have fun with photography, not to create reality or boast about my equipment.

Please support my humble efforts with your shopping clicks and by linking to this blog. - THNX
Drop me a line if you find this post interesting.

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