Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Umm Umm Good! Photographs that is

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The Getty Museum in Los Angeles is exhibiting a collection of food photography over the past 150 years.
Since I find images of prepared food mostly not to my liking, I had to check out the their website.

Some of the images are absolutely gorgeous, while others look like something my dog Leo upchucked.


Art is like love, where beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Too bad Los Angeles is not on my itinerary, I think it probably is worth a look.

The Los Angeles Times press release states that no digital images are in the lot because they are doing art and not photos of restaurant food. LOL! OMG I love snobs.

Here is the description of one of the photos on display.

The 1983 piece — a photogram the size of a dining table and placed in the center of the one-room show — was made after a workshop that the photographer Robert Heinecken gave for Neususs' students. Auto reversal paper was spread over a table in a darkroom with only a safelight on, Heckert said.
The guests sat, and the paper was exposed for five seconds at the start of the meal and again at the end of it, with food and drink spilled all over. The resulting photo shows hands and wine glasses, a bottle opener, noodles and forks, grapes and shadowy forms that are hard to discern. The guests also signed their names.

Yup, this is art because I don't get the point.

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