Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sorry about the long absence

I bought a new desktop running 64 bit Windows 7 Pro with a quad-core processor and 16GB RAM.

Our old laptop was close to giving up the ghost so we bought a 64 bit machine running the same operating system with 8GB RAM.

I will probably be adding another small laptop to take along on trips and for word processing.

Now, the reason for the much faster desktop is that I use Photoshop and have recently upgraded that to PS5. Some of the new features like content-aware editing require a lot of RAM and processing power. With the new computer Photoshop flies!

Migrating from XP to Windows 7 was a breeze using a USB cable. Belkin has a cheap cable/software package that works great for migrating from one machine to another.

I'm still having problems with some of the Photoshop plug-ins and add-ons. Some don't like to work on 64 bit systems. However, my main filters, actions and plug-ins work just fine so I have time to iron out the rest of the problems.

I could never run Apple's I-tunes software on my old machine. The two just never got along, which proves Apple writes crap software. I need that to update my Ipod. Well, the crap software will only let you run on one computer, so I still have to use Lila's laptop for this purpose. There is no way, no way at all that I will consider getting an Ipad because of the need to have a real computer handy for updating and so on. For about the same amount of money or less I can get a XP machine and be done with it. Apple really sucks and is only loved by those that don't do much work on their computers.

More later. . .

Thanks for reading, and a special thanks for your links and clicks. I really do need to be linked to other sites and would appreciate that favor.
If you like the post then please use the provided links for your shopping. Stay safe and have a fun time with your camera the next time the carnie comes to town!
Don't forget to write me if you have any tips, or news. I like to hear from yah!

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